About Linda Zec
Hi! Bok! Ciao! Salut! ¡Hola!
My name is Linda. I am a genealogist and a former college cheerleader, so Linda Roots 4 U is a play on those words, which is how I chose the name of my website! My search assignments are not for legal reasons or court cases. I am not set up for that. I am here to assist others who are casually seeking or looking for reasons for Dual Citizenship or for increased family connections.
I have always been a conduit to family members. I have been curious about my roots and who my ancestors were. I am very grateful to them and their strengths. I would not be here without my many sets of grandparents (traced to the 1600s). So, my motto is “Say Their Name.” I appreciate them and all of their struggles and bravery.
My last name is Croatian, and although it is pronounced “Zetts” and means bunny rabbit, my Americanized family says Zec, like heck.
I am a trained investigator by trade, and research is my passion. My skills pair effortlessly with the needs of genealogy. I have the resources and tenacity to dig into things to uncover facts from years past.
Like so many others, I am currently working on my Dual Citizenship. I understand the workings of Croatia and Italy, so I can help answer any questions you might have about the process. Please send me an email with your inquiries. I’ll make sure to respond when I have time.
I specialize (and limit my research) in historical records from Sicily, mainland Italy, Croatia, France, Tunisia, and USA.
I can also help you with Cook County Court documents and get the Apostille you might need if you seek Dual Citizenship. I also know mobile notaries if you need help with that.
Check out my reviews from past clients. I have helped MANY discover grandparents and beyond and shared information with them that they were unaware of.
Accuracy… again, I am honest to a fault. I will usually tell you my level of confidence in my findings. Sometimes, I am 95% sure, and other times, I am 75% sure. Confidence level is important and no genealogist is infallible.
Either send me an email to LindaRoots4u@gmail.com or head over to my contact page to set up your free 40-minute phone call. Be sure to check out my testimony, including from a cousin in France I never knew I had until recently. I further helped them find their trees too.